About us

IFS: Audit committee
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director
  • Alfonso de los Heros Pérez Albela - Director
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
Main duties
  • Monitoring accounting processes, financial reports and auditing of financial statements.
  • Assisting the Board of Directors in the monitoring of: (i) the quality and integrity of IFS financial statements (ii) the legal and regulatory compliance, (iii) the independence and competence of external auditors, and (iv) the performance of duties of internal and external auditors.
  • Looking after IFS investors' interests and supervising regulatory compliance of the capital market where IFS shares are listed.
Interbank: Audit committee
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
  • David Fischman Kalincausky - Director
  • Carlos Heeren Ramos - Director
Main duties
  • Assisting the Board of Directors with the compliance of its duties regarding Integrated Risk Management assessment.
  • Supervising the accounting processes and the accuracy of the financial reporting.
  • Evaluating the performance of internal and external auditors.
Interbank: Executive committee
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director
  • Ricardo Briceño Villena - Director
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
Main duties
  • Supporting management by following up their goals and accelerating the decision making process.
Interbank: Risk management committee
  • Ricardo Briceño Villena - Director (Principal)
  • Hugo Santa María Guzmán - Director (Principal)
  • Alfonso Bustamante y Bustamante- Director (Alternate 1)
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director (Alternate 2)
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director (Permanent Guest)
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Retail Businesses Vicepresident
  • Distribution Channels Vicepresident
  • Commercial Vicepresident
  • Finance Vicepresident
  • Capital Markets Vicepresident
  • Operations Vicepresident
  • Risk Vicepresident
  • General Counsel
Main duties
  • Adopt decisions related to the Bank’s main risks' exposure.
  • Approve the policies and organization for Integrated Risk Management of Interbank.
  • Establish risk appetite and exposure levels.
  • Decide all necessary actions to implement required corrective measures.
  • Authorize taking exposure that may involve important changes in the established risk profile.
  • Evaluate the Bank’s capital adequacy.
  • Propose improvements to Integrated Risk Management of the Bank.
  • Approve the annual risk report and the training plan for the risk units.
  • Prepare the Board of Directors' Annual Compliance Statement draft pursuant to this committee's regulations.
  • Evaluate and propose to the Board of Directors the necessary amendments to the regulations of this committee, so it may permanently respond to the Bank’s particular needs.
Interbank: Corporate governance practices committee
  • Alfonso de los Heros Pérez Albela - Director
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
  • David Fischman Kalincausky - Director
Main duties
  • Inform to the Board of Directors about the adjustment, implementation and follow up of corporate governance practices.
  • Prepare the Corporate Governance Annual Report.
  • Look after the Bank’s compliance with highest standards of corporate governance, and propose the appropriate measures in order to achieve them.
  • Supervise the correct performance of the Bank’s Integrated System of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Interbank: Approval of financing to related parties committee
  • Carmen Rosa Graham Ayllón - Director (Principal)
  • Hugo Santa María Guzmán - Director (Principal)
  • Alfonso Bustamante y Bustamante - Director (Alternate)
  • Alfonso de los Heros Pérez Albela - Director (Alternate)
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director (Alternate)
Main duties
  • Approve financings granted by Interbank to any related party (individual or legal entity).
Interbank: Credit committee
  • Two members of the Board of Directors, pursuant to a timetable, one of which will act as Chairman, except for the members of the Board that perform as members of the Audit Committee.
  • The Chief Executive Officer or the person appointed by him.
  • A representative from the Risk Vicepresidency.
  • A representative from the Commercial Vicepresidency or the Retail Businesses Vicepresidency or any Vicepresidency depending on the nature of the transaction.
Main duties
  • Granting of credits up to the limit indicated in the "General Chart of Limits for Credit Approval".
  • Inform at the Board of Directors’ ordinary sessions about the approved credit transactions.
Interbank: Compensation committee
  • Carlos Rodriguez Pastor Persivale - Director
  • Alfonso Bustamante y Bustamante - Director
  • Alfonso De los Heros Perez Albela - Director
Main duties
  • Comply with the Bank’s benefits plans, compensation packages, and identification of potential employees or officers for the Bank; among other duties to be determined or delegated by the Board of Directors.
Interseguro: Audit committee
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
  • Guillermo Martínez Barros - Director
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director
  • Raúl Musso Vento - Director (Alternate)
  • Carlos Saco-Vertiz Tudela - Director (Alternate)
Main duties
  • Supervise the adequacy of the internal control procedures.
  • Inform the Board of Directors about the limitations that ought to exist in the reliability of the company’s accounting and financial procedures.
  • Monitor and keep the Board of Directors informed about the compliance of policies and internal procedures and the detection of control and internal management problems, as well as the implementation of required corrective measures according to the evaluations made.
  • Define the appropriate criteria for the selection and hiring of external auditors and the internal auditor.
Interseguro: Investments committee
  • Carlos Rodriguez Pastor Persivale - Director
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
  • Guillermo Martínez Barros - Director
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director
  • Gonzalo Basadre Brazzini – Chief Executive Officer
  • Juan Carlos Vallejo Blanco - Director
  • Enrique Espinoza Aguayo – Investments Vicepresident
  • Reynaldo Roisenvit Grancelli – Officer
Main duties
  • Analyze possible investments and approve transactions that for their amount or relevance require such authorization.
  • Analyze possible risks and propose measures to mitigate them.
  • Propose and ensure compliance with the Investment Annual Plan.
Interseguro: Risks committee
  • Felipe Morris Guerinoni - Director
  • Guillermo Martínez Barros - Director
  • Raúl Musso Vento - Director
  • Gonzalo Basadre Brazzini – Chief Executive Officer (Alternate)
  • Carlos Saco-Vertiz - Director (Alternate)
  • Ramón Barúa Alzamora - Director
Main duties
  • Approve the policies and organization for the Integrated Risk Management, as well as the amendments made to such policies and organization.
  • Look after the adequate performance of the Risk Management System by reviewing Risk Unit’s quarterly reports.
  • Define the adequate level of tolerance and degree of risk exposure for the company.
Interseguro: Management committee
Main duties
  • At the management level the company has management committees and a system to prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing.
Inteligo: Audit committee
  • Two (2) Directors with opinion and voting rights, one of which must be independent.
  • Internal Audit Unit only with opinion rights.
Main duties
  • Evaluate and monitor the internal control system.
  • Ensure the Bank’s compliance with regulatory provisions and other applicable laws.
Inteligo: Anti-money laundering prevention committee
  • Two (2) Directors, one of which must be independent.
  • Chief Executive Officer, acting as Anti- money Laundering Officer.
  • Compliance Officer (Bahamas), acting as Report Officer of Money Laundering.
  • Compliance Officer (Panama)
  • Operations’ Division Officer
Main duties
  • Call for periodic meetings to orient and review compliance with the applicable laws and regulations on anti-money laundering.
  • Act as the company's intermediary with other areas, the authorities of the countries where Inteligo Bank operates as well as with private organizations involved in Anti-Money Laundering matters.
  • Inform the Executive Committee about its relevant activities for approval.
Inteligo: Executive committee
  • Two (2) Directors, one of which must be independent.
  • Chief Executive Officer
Main duties
  • Analyze alternatives and advise the Board of Directors regarding policies, goals, strategies and organization matters.
  • Guide, evaluate and advise management efforts to implement approved policies.
  • Approve operational and administrative matters that guaranty the Banks´ functionality, by evaluating the results of their implementation and management.
Inteligo: Assets and liabilities committee (ALCO)
  • Two (2) Directors with opinion and voting rights, one of which must be independent.
  • Chief Executive Officer with opinion and voting rights.
  • Chief Financial Officer with opinion and voting rights.
  • Legal Counsel with opinion and voting rights.
  • Corporate Risk Officer only with opinion rights.
Main duties
  • Establish policies and design contingency plans regarding the Bank’s administration of assets and liabilities.
  • Propose to the Risk Committee the limits and procedures to control the exposure to market, liquidity and interest rate's risks.
  • Review the reports that measure the Bank's different risks exposure and compare them with limits established in the Bank's policy.
  • Provide the Banks’ corporate bodies, with studies and forecasts regarding the behavior of major macroeconomic and monetary variables, so decisions made over adequate risk levels, consider economy’s real development. Suggest optional methodologies for a better consideration of risks under evaluation.
  • Ensure compliance of applicable laws and regulations.
Inteligo: Credit committee
  • Chief Executive Officer with opinion and voting rights.
  • One (01) member of the Board of Directors with opinion and voting rights.
  • Corporate Risk Officer only with opinion rights.
Main duties
  • Analyze and approve credit applications.
  • Periodically inform the Board of Directors about previously approved credits.
  • Study and fix the credit quotas to the different bank´s clients and offices.
  • Study and fix the credit quotas for the Bank´s different offices.
  • Approve any recognition of loss as a result of credit activities.
  • Ensure the compliance of applicable laws and regulations.
Inteligo: Integral risk committee
  • Two (2) Directors with opinion and voting rights, one of which must be independent.
  • Chief Executive Officer with opinion and voting rights.
  • Chief Financial Officer with opinion and voting rights.
  • Legal Counsel with opinion and voting rights.
  • Corporate Risk Officer only with opinion rights.
Main duties
  • Evaluate the Bank's capital adequacy to deal with risks and alert of possible insufficiencies.
  • Follow up risk exposure and compare it with approved limits, ensuring the stability and solvency of the Bank.
  • Evaluate the performance and compliance of the Risk Unit main duties.
  • Guaranty the limits, strategies and policies that contribute with an effective risk management as well as define proposals for temporary improvements that may be used to accept the excess of limits or policies. These proposals for temporary improvements shall be approved by the Board of Directors as well as any plan of action or strategy to regularize this situation.
  • Approve the annual training program of the Risk Unit.
  • Ensure compliance to applicable laws and regulations.
  • Review or update of manuals.
Inteligo: Security committee
  • Information Technology Security Officer
  • Manager of Human Resources
  • Management Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer
Main duties
  • Advise the Chief Executive Officer regarding security matters.
  • Structure general guidelines so the Banks’ different areas can propose security plans and measures applicable to their specific areas.
  • Document the Bank protection system.
  • Guarantee follow up and compliance of management security.
  • Supervise compliance of established procedures.
  • Create procedures for new situations required by the Bank.
  • Ensure compliance to applicable laws and regulations.
  • Review or update of manuals.