Frequently asked questions


Who regulates IFS's subsidiaries' operations?

Interbank and Interseguro are subject to extensive regulation and supervision by the Banking and Insurance Superintendency, SBS. You can find them online at Interbank is also subject to regulation and oversight by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. Similarly, Inteligo’s subsidiaries are regulated by governmental entities in several jurisdictions, such as The Bahamas, Panama and Peru. Inteligo Bank is subject to the regulation and supervision of the Central Bank of The Bahamas and its branch is subject to regulation by the Superintendency of Banks in Panama (Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá), while Inteligo SAB is subject to the regulation and supervision of the SMV in Peru.

Who regulates Lima Stock Exchange (LSE) listed entities?

Interbank, Interseguro and IFS are listed on the LSE. The Superintendency of Securities Market regulates all listed entities. You can find information regarding all listed companies at

Financial Information

What is IFS's fiscal year?

The company’s fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31. By quarter:
First Quarter Jan. 1- Mar. 31
Second Quarter Apr. 1- Jun. 30
Third Quarter Jul. 1- Sep. 30
Fourth Quarter Oct. 1- Dec 31

When does IFS release its earnings reports?

Earnings reports are typically released about five weeks following the close of the fiscal quarter. You can find the date of upcoming releases on our IR calendar at

What year and where was IFS incorporated?

Intercorp Financial Services Inc., was established in Panama on September 19, 2006 as part of the Intercorp’s corporate restructuring process. The corporate reorganization aimed to simplify the group´s structure by joining the companies that operate in the financial services industry in Peru, Interbank and Interseguro, under IFS. Years later, on July 18, 2014, the board of directors of IFS approved the acquisition of Inteligo, effective on August 1, 2014. Inteligo strengthened our position as a leading provider of diversified financial services in Peru, complementing our banking and insurance segments with a rapidly growing and highly profitable wealth management business. More recently, on May 31, 2017, IFS signed a Share Purchase Agreement with Sura Asset Management S.A. (Colombia), Sura Asset Management Perú S.A. (Peru) and Grupo Wiese (Peru), for the direct and indirect acquisition of up to 100% of the shares of Seguros Sura S.A. and Empresa Administradora Hipotecaria S.A.. The businesses that would be incorporated into IFS under the transaction were mainly retirement annuities and individual life insurance operations. This acquisition materialized on November 2 and 22, 2017.

When did IFS start operations?

IFS began operationg on January 19, 2007.

When is IFS annual meeting of stockholders?

Typically, the Company´s annual meeting is held mid april, but the date is subject to change at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The projected annual meeting date is listed in IR Calendar.

Who are the Financial Analysts that follow IFS?

Please go to our section entitled Analyst Coverage for a listing of the financial analysts that follow IFS.

What is IFS's disclosure policy?

Please see our Communication and Information transparency section under Corporate Governance.

How may I obtain copies of IFS's financial information?

Most of the Company´s reports and financial statements can be printed or downloaded from the Annual Reports and Quarterly Information sections of this site. If you still need a copy mailed to your address, you may request the materials by filling the form in the Contact Us section.

Stock Info

Where are IFS's shares traded?

IFS common stock is traded on the Lima Stock Exchange (LSE) under the ticker symbol IFS. IFS shares are also traded OTC in New York.

What is IFS Bloomberg symbol?

It’s Bloomberg symbol is IFS PE.

Where can I see IFS's share price?

Bloomberg, the LSE webpage at or on this webpage under the “Stock Information” tab.

What is IFS's average trading volume on LSE?

During 2014 the average daily amount traded was US$907,161 or 28,771 shares. During 2015 the average daily amount traded was US$808,382 or 29,143 shares. During 2016 the average daily amount traded was US$988,988 or 33,980 shares. During 2017 the average daily amount traded was US$1,415,851 or 40,365 shares. During 2018 the average daily amount traded was US$1,353,424 or 33,465 shares.

What are the standing IFS shares?

1. ISIN PAP5626F1020 – SEDOL# B1YZ331 – Listed in Lima/trades in US$
2. ISIN PAP5626F1020 – SEDOL# B1YZ3L9 – REG S Shares – Listed in US -CUSIP P5626F102
3. ISIN US45866E1073 – SEDOL# B1Z72F1 – 144a Shares – Listed in US – CUSIP# 45866E 107

How do I invest in IFS stock?

IFS common stock can be bought or sold on the LSE through a local stockbroker or any other bank or financial institution that offers brokerage services in Peru. Shares can also be purchased or sold in the OTC market in NY.

Who settles and registers LSE operations?

This is done by Cavali, their web page is

Does IFS have a stockbroker?

Inteligo SAB is the Intercorp´s stockbroker. You can find information on them at

What are the settlement procedures if I buy IFS shares in the Lima Stock Exchange or OTC in NY?

If you trade IFS in the local market, you have to deliver shares locally in order for the broker to settle its trades with the LSE, no matter which name you are trading. As shares in Peru are nominative, a Cavali number must be assigned to book the trade vs the Lima Stock Exchange. If you cross stock at the LSE, you cannot assign the same Cavali number for buyer and seller as the system would not accept same number for one print. That is a regular procedure at the LSE.
If you own REG S (US listed) ISIN# USP5626F1020 and sell it in the local market, shares can be delivered to a local stockbroker´s Cavali DTC # 2011 Sub account directly without conversion.
If you own 144A Shares (US listed) ISIN# US45866E1073 and sell it in the local market, you cannot move the shares directly via DTC to Cavali DTC 2011. Shares have to be sent to Bank of New York DTC 9011 and converted into REG S Shares ISIN# USP5626F1020. Then they can be accepted by Cavali DTC 2011 Sub accounts in Lima.

Does IFS pay a dividend on common stock?

Yes, IFS pays out yearly cash dividends. Please see our stock information section for details on past and upcoming dividends.

When did IFS begin trading on the stock market?

IFS’s initial public offering was on June 20, 2007 at $14.00 per share. IFS began trading on the LSE on June 21, 2007 under the ticker symbol IFS.

Has IFS stock split?

No IFS stock has never split.


How do I contact IFS Investor Relations?

Please feel free to contact us thru the contact forms within the website or directly to

Ernesto Ferrero Merino
Investor Relations Officer
Intercorp Financial Services Inc.
Tel. (511) 219 2000 Ext. 29025

Alfredo Zurita Cahill
Investor Relations
Intercorp Financial Services Inc.
Tel. (511) 219 2000 Ext. 29029

Samantha Khadige Merino
Investor Relations
Intercorp Financial Services Inc.
Tel. (511) 219 2000 Ext. 29028

Torre Interbank
Carlos Villaran 140
Lima 13, Peru